Well, as usual, it's been longer than I'd planned since I last wrote. Things are quite busy as my work schedule is almost full-time. I've moved into the "nesting" period of pregnancy where I'm feeling the exciting need to organize everything and do both necessary and unnecessary projects around the house in order to prep for baby. I'd heard people describe this before. My friend, Carolyn, has said that she went around the house putting everything into containers and neatly labeling them. I have to say, it's a great God-given feeling and I think very appropriate, considering when baby arrives I will be busy, busy and everything will need to be in it's proper "place." Things will need to be clean and easy to find. I do suddenly feel anal about things though, which I don't like. I've also been getting stressed out easily and feeling like there is not enough time in the day. I tell myself that as long as I keep doing little things here and there, it will all be done by the time baby comes.
My job is very demanding, at least mentally, and I think I just come home a little fried most days. My patience is gone by 4pm due to students making up excuses for things, sitting staring blankly at a blank Microsoft Word screen, and me caring more about their classes than they do. I now empathize with teachers and other educators more than ever before and especially for those who work with Special Ed. students. May God bless you, seriously! Therefore, I'm trying to come up with ways to cope: continued exercise, bubble baths, self-given pedicures and manicures, gardening, listening to Worship or soothing music, reading, prayer, and Bible reading. I just hope I'm not driving my husband crazy.
Bernie has been acting a little different lately. She's been testing us outside, which has led to more time on the leash and even more exercise for her than she's gotten before, which, believe me, is a lot. I'm very thankful that I've been able to keep up the running, even though it is fairly slow and short most of the time. I think most of Bernie's difference is due to me working more and not being around as much.
Wow, has this blog been negative so far! Yikes! Okay, so things aren't bad like they sound, I assure you. I'm feeling incredibly blessed in between stressed moments and even in stressed moments. I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world most of the time! Jared is an amazing husband and is more excited about our baby girl than I could've imagined. He is helping me out a lot! We talk about little girl names all the time. And, no, I'm not about to give you some of the ones we've been considering. We're really not sure ourselves. We think we've narrowed it down to two first names, but we're still not sure about middle names. I love to imagine that precious little one, calling her by name, holding her, kissing her, playing with her, etc. Jared and I have both said how when we see little kids around the neighborhood or out-and-about, we notice them more now. This is strange to me considering I've always noticed kids a lot. This past weekend, Jared went skiing with some buddies and said he rode the lifts mostly with little kids who were either taking lessons or who are on a ski team. This is always amazing to us, as we did not grow up skiing or around skiing and there are 6 year olds skiing down double-black diamonds, when I'm still on the green (don't worry I haven't skied at all this year) and Jared is mostly still on blues. We have to remind ourselves that they do have a lower center of gravity, so at least they don't have as far to fall. Anyway, he was saying how he had a lot of fun talking to the kids and how it made him think of our future daughter a lot. He is going to be an awesome dad! Who knows, our little girl may be on the slopes in a few years or so. Jared and I are making an effort to have alone time and little "dates" here and there. We went to a diner in Santa Cruz a couple of Saturdays ago for breakfast and then went to the Patagonia Outlet where we bought the cutest 3-month bunting suit and 6-month coat, both pink! We also bought some mittens that actually seem like they'll be able to stay on her little hands.
We are going to get to have a babymoon in a couple of weeks, thanks to attending a time-share presentation last year on our Tahoe trip. We have a free three night stay at a nice resort. We're going to spend most of the time together, but Jared is going to do a little skiing and I'm going to have a spa day! I can't wait. Besides that, we'll relax and eat some good food, I'm sure. The week after that, I'm taking a trip to Alabama to see family and have baby showers that they are so lovingly planning. I'm extremely thankful for my family and friends who care so much! I love you all. I'm very excited. I've always thought baby showers were the most fun thing. I have a pink maternity dress that I found at a consignment shop, which I'm planning to wear.
Meanwhile, the baby is growing and growing and growing and I really am not sure what this body of mine is going to be like by the end of the next 12 weeks. I'm still pretty comfortable, but have moments of weirdness, thinking "maybe I won't explode." I love to feel the baby move, which she does all the time. It's the best feeling! I can see her move a lot too, which is just crazy to me.
More to come soon...
Baby Mauldin

Baby Mauldin- Week 8 Ultrasound
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Baby Mauldin is already a testy one!
Well, we tried to find out the sex on January 14th, but it didn't work out. Our doctor did the ultrasound, which started out with a great full body view of the baby. It looked so cute! We could see all the different parts and it looked like a real baby, no longer a peanut. We liked its nose. The doctor found the heart and we could see it beating, as well as the four individual ventricles. He found the aorta and showed us how it all connected. He found both hands and feet and we saw individual fingers and toes. However, we were unable to see one significant part. Hmmm... the doctor found the umbilical cord which positioned itself right between the legs. Then, sometimes, out of some sort of act of modesty, the baby would place its hand right between its legs. The baby was even spread-eagle, but the doctor just couldn't see defining parts for sure to determine boy or girl and he said that even though he didn't see a you-know-what, he couldn't declare it a girl. So, we go back beginning of February to find out.
It's fun to hypothesize about why the baby wouldn't reveal itself. However, all in all we weren't that upset. It was just amazing to see it so clearly and to know that our baby is healthy! My blood tests that have been done along the way have also come back fine, so we are very thankful. I am also feeling great! I'm still able to run a good bit, although I usually have to find a pit-stop somewhere 20 minutes in, even if I've just gone to the bathroom before I start. I feel the baby kick A LOT! Jared has felt it a couple of times. We are just starting to do a few things in the baby's room. I will post some pictures along the way so that you all can see what the baby's habitat will be like.
We've been busy with a weekend trip to Kirkwood, a ski resort near Lake Tahoe. Jared skied and I was able to relax with some girlfriends one day and then sit in the sun at the resort the next. It was a beautiful place and very relaxing. I've also been busy with work and will start my normal part-time schedule next week! Jared is doing well in school again and is starting to work on his thesis!!! We can't believe that is beginning. My sister, Natalie, her husband, Jonathan, and their baby, Sydney came to visit this week. It has been so fun to have them here. Whenever we have company I'm reminded what a wonderful place we live in because I get to show them all around. I'm looking forward to being a stay-at-home mom and getting to take the baby on walks around the various amazing places to walk in the area. Sydney is a beautiful baby and is doing well. I've been able to feed her a few times this week and hold her. She's fun to try to entertain and has an amazing smile. She has what my mom calls "tiny words" that she says- las and his and can get very vocal sometimes.
Bernie has had an interesting week, trying to figure out what Sydney is. She's never been around tiny babies much, mostly older kids (2 and up). She just wants to lick and sniff Sydney, but we've had to restrain her. She has adjusted well and will even curl up near their travel swing. She's interested in what they do with her when they feed her and change her diaper. I think she's going to be a great big sister! Speaking of Bernie, tomorrow is her 3rd birthday- Happy Birthday, Bernie!!! She gets 3 decorated dog cookies from the Diggidy Dog shop in Carmel- one is a pizza slice, one a fire hydrant, and one a cake. Man, how time flies. And, speaking of time, we celebrated our 4th anniversary yesterday. We had pizza last night with Dan, Natalie, Jonathan, and Sydney and I made a cheesecake. It was really nice. This weekend Jared and I are going to go eat at the Monterey Fish House! I am so thankful and proud to be married to Jared. He is an AMAZING husband! Thank you God, for him. He is going to be a wonderful father too.
I plan to post more pictures this weekend. Expect a few belly pics!!!
It's fun to hypothesize about why the baby wouldn't reveal itself. However, all in all we weren't that upset. It was just amazing to see it so clearly and to know that our baby is healthy! My blood tests that have been done along the way have also come back fine, so we are very thankful. I am also feeling great! I'm still able to run a good bit, although I usually have to find a pit-stop somewhere 20 minutes in, even if I've just gone to the bathroom before I start. I feel the baby kick A LOT! Jared has felt it a couple of times. We are just starting to do a few things in the baby's room. I will post some pictures along the way so that you all can see what the baby's habitat will be like.
We've been busy with a weekend trip to Kirkwood, a ski resort near Lake Tahoe. Jared skied and I was able to relax with some girlfriends one day and then sit in the sun at the resort the next. It was a beautiful place and very relaxing. I've also been busy with work and will start my normal part-time schedule next week! Jared is doing well in school again and is starting to work on his thesis!!! We can't believe that is beginning. My sister, Natalie, her husband, Jonathan, and their baby, Sydney came to visit this week. It has been so fun to have them here. Whenever we have company I'm reminded what a wonderful place we live in because I get to show them all around. I'm looking forward to being a stay-at-home mom and getting to take the baby on walks around the various amazing places to walk in the area. Sydney is a beautiful baby and is doing well. I've been able to feed her a few times this week and hold her. She's fun to try to entertain and has an amazing smile. She has what my mom calls "tiny words" that she says- las and his and can get very vocal sometimes.
Bernie has had an interesting week, trying to figure out what Sydney is. She's never been around tiny babies much, mostly older kids (2 and up). She just wants to lick and sniff Sydney, but we've had to restrain her. She has adjusted well and will even curl up near their travel swing. She's interested in what they do with her when they feed her and change her diaper. I think she's going to be a great big sister! Speaking of Bernie, tomorrow is her 3rd birthday- Happy Birthday, Bernie!!! She gets 3 decorated dog cookies from the Diggidy Dog shop in Carmel- one is a pizza slice, one a fire hydrant, and one a cake. Man, how time flies. And, speaking of time, we celebrated our 4th anniversary yesterday. We had pizza last night with Dan, Natalie, Jonathan, and Sydney and I made a cheesecake. It was really nice. This weekend Jared and I are going to go eat at the Monterey Fish House! I am so thankful and proud to be married to Jared. He is an AMAZING husband! Thank you God, for him. He is going to be a wonderful father too.
I plan to post more pictures this weekend. Expect a few belly pics!!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
20 Weeks and Getting Bigger!
Wow! I can't believe we're now half-way through the pregnancy!
Christmas was wonderful! We went to Alabama for a few days and were able to see my niece, Sydney, be dedicated at her church. It was such a special experience and I definitely had to hold back the tears. I have to say how blessed we are and how proud I am to have such a great Christian family. What a wonderful thing to get your baby started out on the right foot when she's just a newborn. Sydney was beautiful and did great while the Pastor was holding her. She was fascinated by the spotlights way up above her head. I was able to hold Sydney and care for her some while we were in Alabama and I couldn't believe that I would have my very own in just half a year.
It was also such a gift to be with the rest of our family in Alabama and in Texas. Everyone was so excited to see the "baby bump". We got a few little Christmas gifts from family for the baby and that was unexpected and super exciting. The baby now has a few books, a couple of rattles, some essentials like pacifiers, spoons, and it's first sippy cup, and a Christmas bib! Jared's Granny also gave us a Sleep Sheep! I don't think she realized what a must-have it was, but we were really excited to get one. I know several babies that have them. It attaches to the outside of the crib for when the baby is an infant and it makes soothing sounds to help the baby sleep. Then, when the baby is older, it serves as a stuffed animal that the child can snuggle with and it can still help them get to sleep. It also travels well- another plus!
I also received some extra attention by being pregnant. This was fun, but a little overwhelming at times. My sister and sister-in-law answered a lot of my questions: my sister having just had a baby and my sister-in-law having had her fourth three years ago. My mother-in-law, Jared's aunt, my sister-in-law, Jared, and I even took a trip to Babies-R-Us to look around. This was SO much fun and a little overwhelming! There is so much out there. I love to hear my mom and mother-in-law talk about what was available when they had babies and how much things have changed. It's a great reminder that a lot of what is out there to help you with baby is unnecessary. However, I do love some of the doodads that will make life much easier! That's where my sister-in-law came in with her expertise and answered a lot of questions of what we need versus what we don't. I don't think she realized how valuable her knowledge really is. My sister has been answering lots of questions in the past couple of weeks as I get ready to start the baby registry. Also, did you know there are strollers out there that cost close to $1,000? Crazy!
We also had great fun just talking about the baby, getting advice from family, lots of times laughing about stories they had or jokes they wanted to make. Our nieces and nephews range in age from 3 months to 10 years, so there are lots of good stories there. Then there are also great stories from when we were babies and beyond. It was great to see the excitement in everyones' faces.
Now we start the New Year with much anticipation and we realize this is the year our first baby will be born. We've started back to work and know that the time is going to pass quickly. We moved around some furniture upstairs to start getting the baby room ready. Our baby room will also serve as a guest room, so things get a little tricky. I love the plans we have though and I'm so excited to start organizing and decorating. One of my friends, Carolyn Paradzinski, once told me that when she was pregnant she wanted to go around organizing and labeling everything! I feel that bug. I want everything to be ready and I know that once I start my full schedule at the end of January, things are going to get crazy. I'm just try to get a head-start now. Jared has been a huge help and seems equally excited. He's been looking up rocking chairs, strollers, and swings on the internet, moving the furniture, and helping me plan for all of the upcoming baby activities! We are so excited, in case you couldn't tell!
We go to the doctor one week from today to find out the sex and have our second ultrasound! I can't wait to see the baby again. I just want to see its little body! To know the gender is going to be awesome! We will be able to plan more accordingly and register for the typical blue or pink! Of course, we're going to throw lots of other colors in there too.
I'm getting much bigger. I promise to post pictures soon! I just put in an order to Old Navy for some more maternity clothes. I hadn't bought much so far, but I'm realizing how badly I need them, especially now that I'm going back to work.
I've also just started feeling the baby move. I felt it for the first time our last night in Texas. It didn't really feel like a kick, I guess because the baby is so small. It felt more like a knock. Since then I've felt it a good bit, mostly in the morning and evening.
The posts are going to become more regular. Things are starting to happen more quickly.
Thank you for your prayers and interest. We are so happy to share with you all!
Christmas was wonderful! We went to Alabama for a few days and were able to see my niece, Sydney, be dedicated at her church. It was such a special experience and I definitely had to hold back the tears. I have to say how blessed we are and how proud I am to have such a great Christian family. What a wonderful thing to get your baby started out on the right foot when she's just a newborn. Sydney was beautiful and did great while the Pastor was holding her. She was fascinated by the spotlights way up above her head. I was able to hold Sydney and care for her some while we were in Alabama and I couldn't believe that I would have my very own in just half a year.
It was also such a gift to be with the rest of our family in Alabama and in Texas. Everyone was so excited to see the "baby bump". We got a few little Christmas gifts from family for the baby and that was unexpected and super exciting. The baby now has a few books, a couple of rattles, some essentials like pacifiers, spoons, and it's first sippy cup, and a Christmas bib! Jared's Granny also gave us a Sleep Sheep! I don't think she realized what a must-have it was, but we were really excited to get one. I know several babies that have them. It attaches to the outside of the crib for when the baby is an infant and it makes soothing sounds to help the baby sleep. Then, when the baby is older, it serves as a stuffed animal that the child can snuggle with and it can still help them get to sleep. It also travels well- another plus!
I also received some extra attention by being pregnant. This was fun, but a little overwhelming at times. My sister and sister-in-law answered a lot of my questions: my sister having just had a baby and my sister-in-law having had her fourth three years ago. My mother-in-law, Jared's aunt, my sister-in-law, Jared, and I even took a trip to Babies-R-Us to look around. This was SO much fun and a little overwhelming! There is so much out there. I love to hear my mom and mother-in-law talk about what was available when they had babies and how much things have changed. It's a great reminder that a lot of what is out there to help you with baby is unnecessary. However, I do love some of the doodads that will make life much easier! That's where my sister-in-law came in with her expertise and answered a lot of questions of what we need versus what we don't. I don't think she realized how valuable her knowledge really is. My sister has been answering lots of questions in the past couple of weeks as I get ready to start the baby registry. Also, did you know there are strollers out there that cost close to $1,000? Crazy!
We also had great fun just talking about the baby, getting advice from family, lots of times laughing about stories they had or jokes they wanted to make. Our nieces and nephews range in age from 3 months to 10 years, so there are lots of good stories there. Then there are also great stories from when we were babies and beyond. It was great to see the excitement in everyones' faces.
Now we start the New Year with much anticipation and we realize this is the year our first baby will be born. We've started back to work and know that the time is going to pass quickly. We moved around some furniture upstairs to start getting the baby room ready. Our baby room will also serve as a guest room, so things get a little tricky. I love the plans we have though and I'm so excited to start organizing and decorating. One of my friends, Carolyn Paradzinski, once told me that when she was pregnant she wanted to go around organizing and labeling everything! I feel that bug. I want everything to be ready and I know that once I start my full schedule at the end of January, things are going to get crazy. I'm just try to get a head-start now. Jared has been a huge help and seems equally excited. He's been looking up rocking chairs, strollers, and swings on the internet, moving the furniture, and helping me plan for all of the upcoming baby activities! We are so excited, in case you couldn't tell!
We go to the doctor one week from today to find out the sex and have our second ultrasound! I can't wait to see the baby again. I just want to see its little body! To know the gender is going to be awesome! We will be able to plan more accordingly and register for the typical blue or pink! Of course, we're going to throw lots of other colors in there too.
I'm getting much bigger. I promise to post pictures soon! I just put in an order to Old Navy for some more maternity clothes. I hadn't bought much so far, but I'm realizing how badly I need them, especially now that I'm going back to work.
I've also just started feeling the baby move. I felt it for the first time our last night in Texas. It didn't really feel like a kick, I guess because the baby is so small. It felt more like a knock. Since then I've felt it a good bit, mostly in the morning and evening.
The posts are going to become more regular. Things are starting to happen more quickly.
Thank you for your prayers and interest. We are so happy to share with you all!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
16 Weeks
So we're now at 16 weeks! I had another appointment on Thursday to hear the heartbeat again. I was so excited: there is something extremely reassuring about hearing it. I'm growing by leaps and bounds which means the baby is too. Baby Mauldin is now the size of an avocado. The week that it was the size of a lemon, I bought a lemon at the store and drew a face on it. I "swaddled" it in a paper towel and took it to Jared while he was studying and said "It's your turn." He got a kick out of it.
We leave to go on our Christmas vacation this week. I'm so happy I'm showing so that the fam can see. I'm still feeling really well. I had a little bit of weird stomach feeling last week. It started with some indigestion then just strange twinges. The doc said to keep some liquid antacid on hand and that the twinges were probably things just stretching and moving. I figure if the baby is growing faster, then so is my tummy. I've done much better in the past few days. I've also read that now is about the time I may be feeling the baby start to move! I cannot wait to feel it move! I also read that the baby should now be able to hear me talk, so I'm going to start singing and talking to it extra and maybe read out loud when I can. I really love going into the "baby room" and thinking about how I might decorate and just imagining the baby being in there next year. Sometimes as I go down our stairs, I imagine myself carrying the baby downstairs after a nap. It may be silly, but I guess that's the "mommy" feeling that I'm starting to acquire.
Work is wrapping up. I just work tomorrow and then I'm finished for about a month. Jared finished with work/school on Friday. He did great on his exams. We both feel very fortunate to have a lot of time off this Christmas. We will get to see most of our families and spend tons of time together. We are very blessed! Jared has recovered from some injuries so he is getting back into cycling and running, while continuing to swim and surf when he can. I'm still running though, I promise I take it easy. Bernie and I went for a great run today. The weather here was perfect- about 65 degrees. It was beautiful. We went on a run that has a great view and I felt so good! Bernie is a great running companion.
On Friday morning I was baking for hours just to give treats to neighbors and friends and to take to work and the Army/Navy party we went to on Saturday. Jared asked me what on earth I was doing baking so much. I stopped in my tracks and realized that I didn't normally bake that much, I said maybe it was the pregnancy or maybe it was just because I like to bake. I realized though how good I felt and how much fun I was having. All that to say, life is good! God is good!
We'll find out January 14th what the sex is. I'm going to try to figure out how to put one of those polls on here so that people can vote on which they think it will be. We're so excited to find out.
Merry Christmas to you all!
We leave to go on our Christmas vacation this week. I'm so happy I'm showing so that the fam can see. I'm still feeling really well. I had a little bit of weird stomach feeling last week. It started with some indigestion then just strange twinges. The doc said to keep some liquid antacid on hand and that the twinges were probably things just stretching and moving. I figure if the baby is growing faster, then so is my tummy. I've done much better in the past few days. I've also read that now is about the time I may be feeling the baby start to move! I cannot wait to feel it move! I also read that the baby should now be able to hear me talk, so I'm going to start singing and talking to it extra and maybe read out loud when I can. I really love going into the "baby room" and thinking about how I might decorate and just imagining the baby being in there next year. Sometimes as I go down our stairs, I imagine myself carrying the baby downstairs after a nap. It may be silly, but I guess that's the "mommy" feeling that I'm starting to acquire.
Work is wrapping up. I just work tomorrow and then I'm finished for about a month. Jared finished with work/school on Friday. He did great on his exams. We both feel very fortunate to have a lot of time off this Christmas. We will get to see most of our families and spend tons of time together. We are very blessed! Jared has recovered from some injuries so he is getting back into cycling and running, while continuing to swim and surf when he can. I'm still running though, I promise I take it easy. Bernie and I went for a great run today. The weather here was perfect- about 65 degrees. It was beautiful. We went on a run that has a great view and I felt so good! Bernie is a great running companion.
On Friday morning I was baking for hours just to give treats to neighbors and friends and to take to work and the Army/Navy party we went to on Saturday. Jared asked me what on earth I was doing baking so much. I stopped in my tracks and realized that I didn't normally bake that much, I said maybe it was the pregnancy or maybe it was just because I like to bake. I realized though how good I felt and how much fun I was having. All that to say, life is good! God is good!
We'll find out January 14th what the sex is. I'm going to try to figure out how to put one of those polls on here so that people can vote on which they think it will be. We're so excited to find out.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
On Friday, Nov. 17th, we had our 2nd appointment to check on the baby. The doctor used the doppler to hear the heartbeat: 160bpm!!! That's so fast! My bloodwork all came back fine and the doctor said everything is good. What a good report! Every appointment brings on a little bit of nerves (the first one more than this one, of course). Jared went with me and we got in and out a lot more quickly than the time before. It's so fun to see the other pregnant women going in and out.
The doctor felt my belly and said that I feel more like 14 weeks than 12, but I've only gained 3 pounds- probably because I didn't ever get sick. I can feel the baby bump and it seems to be growing quickly. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it feels more firm than I thought it would. I bought 3 pairs of maternity pants last week. I wanted to be set for the holidays. The next few weeks will be very busy with Jared's family in this week (so exciting!) for Thanksgiving, then two full weeks of work and prep for Christmas, and finally our trip to Alabama and Texas for Christmas. I actually wore the Bella band today. It's this crazy band you wear around your waist/hips region over the top of your pants, so that you can unbutton your pants to make them more comfortable. It looks more like a tube-top or a miniskirt. It was much more comfortable!!! I'm definitely in the in-between stage where I can still wear my normal pants, but, if I eat too much (and you know how that goes around the holidays), my pants are NOT comfortable. As soon as I think you can tell in a picture, I'll post one. I plan to have Dan, my brother-in-law, take a good picture of Jared, me, and Bernie this week, so I'll probably post that one.
I wouldn't say I'm feeling all energetic all of a sudden like I thought I might at the start of the second trimester, but I am feeling pretty good. Jared and I went to bed by 10 last night and slept until 7:30!!!! I guess he needs lots of sympathy sleep too : )
Like I said, we're having Jared's mom and dad visit this week. It's so good to have them here. Jared's mom is an awesome cook and is taking care of a lot of it for me, since I still have to work this week. I love Thanksgiving and this year I think I am more thankful than ever for life and the blessings God has given us. We seem to be making more and more friends that have had trouble conceiving or cannot conceive and I am just incredibly thankful for our baby and for not having to try too long. We tried for about ten months (Jared was gone a couple of those) and even that was so hard! Each month is more and more stressful and you start to feel more and more hopeless. God is faithful though. I do want to say though, if you know of people in your life who may be trying or are around the age of trying to have babies- be sensitive!!! It was sometimes difficult to even answer the question, "When are you going to start trying?" I'll give you a hint- most people who are trying won't just come out and say it. Just be easy on those 20 or 30 somethings out there. It's hard- it's much harder than I thought, at least.
Anyways, I'm thankful for each of you. I'm thankful for the abundance of life- may we not take it for granted. May God bless you all this Thanksgiving.
Another update in two weeks- my next appointment is Dec. 9. No ultrasound then, so we aren't going to know the gender of the baby until after Christmas, but I'll hear the heartbeat again and just get checked out one more time before the holidays.
Until next time-- Katie and the bun-in-the-oven
The doctor felt my belly and said that I feel more like 14 weeks than 12, but I've only gained 3 pounds- probably because I didn't ever get sick. I can feel the baby bump and it seems to be growing quickly. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it feels more firm than I thought it would. I bought 3 pairs of maternity pants last week. I wanted to be set for the holidays. The next few weeks will be very busy with Jared's family in this week (so exciting!) for Thanksgiving, then two full weeks of work and prep for Christmas, and finally our trip to Alabama and Texas for Christmas. I actually wore the Bella band today. It's this crazy band you wear around your waist/hips region over the top of your pants, so that you can unbutton your pants to make them more comfortable. It looks more like a tube-top or a miniskirt. It was much more comfortable!!! I'm definitely in the in-between stage where I can still wear my normal pants, but, if I eat too much (and you know how that goes around the holidays), my pants are NOT comfortable. As soon as I think you can tell in a picture, I'll post one. I plan to have Dan, my brother-in-law, take a good picture of Jared, me, and Bernie this week, so I'll probably post that one.
I wouldn't say I'm feeling all energetic all of a sudden like I thought I might at the start of the second trimester, but I am feeling pretty good. Jared and I went to bed by 10 last night and slept until 7:30!!!! I guess he needs lots of sympathy sleep too : )
Like I said, we're having Jared's mom and dad visit this week. It's so good to have them here. Jared's mom is an awesome cook and is taking care of a lot of it for me, since I still have to work this week. I love Thanksgiving and this year I think I am more thankful than ever for life and the blessings God has given us. We seem to be making more and more friends that have had trouble conceiving or cannot conceive and I am just incredibly thankful for our baby and for not having to try too long. We tried for about ten months (Jared was gone a couple of those) and even that was so hard! Each month is more and more stressful and you start to feel more and more hopeless. God is faithful though. I do want to say though, if you know of people in your life who may be trying or are around the age of trying to have babies- be sensitive!!! It was sometimes difficult to even answer the question, "When are you going to start trying?" I'll give you a hint- most people who are trying won't just come out and say it. Just be easy on those 20 or 30 somethings out there. It's hard- it's much harder than I thought, at least.
Anyways, I'm thankful for each of you. I'm thankful for the abundance of life- may we not take it for granted. May God bless you all this Thanksgiving.
Another update in two weeks- my next appointment is Dec. 9. No ultrasound then, so we aren't going to know the gender of the baby until after Christmas, but I'll hear the heartbeat again and just get checked out one more time before the holidays.
Until next time-- Katie and the bun-in-the-oven
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Baby Blog Debut
As the first trimester is coming to a close, I thought it the perfect time to debut the new Baby Blog. Everything is going great so far. The first trimester went by very smoothly. I had only one week of feeling sick, but I never actually "got sick." I'm very thankful for how well and how easy it went. Time is flying by! With me working, Jared busy with school, and keeping house, the days really go by fast. We keep pretty busy on the weekends trying to see the sights around here and just catch up on errands.
I took a trip in October to see my new niece, Sydney, in Alabama. It was wonderful! I will say, I found out how difficult it is to live away from family when a baby is born. I experienced this with my niece, Elizabeth, a few years ago. That was hard too. It was sad not being there for baby showers and all the excitement, and just the thought of not getting to spend much time with her as she grows. This time was even harder, as it was my sister having the baby. I don't think the pregnancy hormones helped any!
As a military wife though, I've learned that friends become family, and I am very thankful to have already made some friends in Monterey! And, as long as I have my wonderful husband, all is well! Jared has already been so supportive and helpful. He carries the laundry baskets up the stairs and is good to do lots of chores. He's been very interested and likes to talk about the future with the baby. He's into looking at jogging strollers online and picking out a more suitable car for us for when the baby arrives.
It's been so much fun to tell family and friends about the coming baby. I actually got to tell my sisters and grandparents while I was in Alabama, which was so much fun and a huge gift! Our nieces and nephews in Florida were very excited. Jared's brother and his wife have four kids from ages 3-10. They are a blast and we will get to see them at Christmas. One of them has even offered to babysit already!
Jared's parents are coming next week for Thanksgiving and having the "bun in the oven" will make the holidays an even more exciting time. For Christmas we will visit family in Alabama and Texas.
I believe I'm starting to show just a little bit. I don't think people can tell, but I sure can. The jeans are pretty tight after I eat and I'm sitting down. I looked in the mirror last week and said, "Oh well, I don't need to wear this shirt again while pregnant." At this stage it just looks like I've put on a few pounds, but it still exciting!
That's all for now. I'm going to try to post something new about every two weeks! Enjoy!
I took a trip in October to see my new niece, Sydney, in Alabama. It was wonderful! I will say, I found out how difficult it is to live away from family when a baby is born. I experienced this with my niece, Elizabeth, a few years ago. That was hard too. It was sad not being there for baby showers and all the excitement, and just the thought of not getting to spend much time with her as she grows. This time was even harder, as it was my sister having the baby. I don't think the pregnancy hormones helped any!
As a military wife though, I've learned that friends become family, and I am very thankful to have already made some friends in Monterey! And, as long as I have my wonderful husband, all is well! Jared has already been so supportive and helpful. He carries the laundry baskets up the stairs and is good to do lots of chores. He's been very interested and likes to talk about the future with the baby. He's into looking at jogging strollers online and picking out a more suitable car for us for when the baby arrives.
It's been so much fun to tell family and friends about the coming baby. I actually got to tell my sisters and grandparents while I was in Alabama, which was so much fun and a huge gift! Our nieces and nephews in Florida were very excited. Jared's brother and his wife have four kids from ages 3-10. They are a blast and we will get to see them at Christmas. One of them has even offered to babysit already!
Jared's parents are coming next week for Thanksgiving and having the "bun in the oven" will make the holidays an even more exciting time. For Christmas we will visit family in Alabama and Texas.
I believe I'm starting to show just a little bit. I don't think people can tell, but I sure can. The jeans are pretty tight after I eat and I'm sitting down. I looked in the mirror last week and said, "Oh well, I don't need to wear this shirt again while pregnant." At this stage it just looks like I've put on a few pounds, but it still exciting!
That's all for now. I'm going to try to post something new about every two weeks! Enjoy!
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